BikeCAD is now published in several languages. If you would like to modify the text of BikeCAD to better suit your own language, your contribution would be greatly appreciated.
The table below displays the various property resource files that are bundled in both BikeCAD and BikeCAD Pro. These property resource files store all the text used by the program. When BikeCAD is launched, it searches for a property resource file that fully matches your language and country. Language and country files are listed in the first column. After that, it will seek to complete any missing information by finding a file that matches your language. Language files are listed in the second column. After searching the language files, any further missing information is taken from the generic file in the third column.
Most of the property resource files below are not yet fully translated from English. If you would like to contribute to this project by translating a few lines, please download your language file, use a text editor to translate the English terms in the file and e-mail it back to us. If your language is not listed at all, then download the generic property resource file, translate some or all of it into your language and e-mail it back to us.
Generic Language
* Only text that is specific to the particular country is listed in the country and language file.
For your assistance in this project, you will be credited on the splash screen for BikeCAD Pro and the "About" dialog box in BikeCAD and BikeCAD Pro.