
Garage builder of very fast, top shelf component motorized bicycles. Company name has been Motovelo since 1983 and exists today largely as a research and design project selling prototypes from time to time to finance futher development. First prototype was the MV 001P started in 1989 from an '89 Specialized Rock Hopper which has seen three motor installs varying in HP. The last incarnation shifted through a Shimano 8 spd. Alfine and reached speeds of 55mph with the use of a 'Pocket Bikes Unlimited' 8 HP engine. Needless to say a stronger frame is in order so it is my hope that in surounding myself with the expertise of the many fine builder here on Bikecad I may achieve a build in which it wouldn't be unrealistic to pedal and still be strong enough to take the rigors of use as a Microlight motorcycle. Current weight of the original MV 001P is at 52 lbs. with one liter of fuel. Grin factor: Immesurable.