Hi Brent
Great product. New BikeCadPro user and have a few questions.
If I want to design a curved top tube, how should I understand the curve parameters in Tubing ? I'm trying to get the top tube to bend downwards.
Can the "bend" be curved by defining a radius for the top tube ?
Is there anyway to get numbers/distance shown regarding toe overlap ? Meaning the distance between foot/pedal and tire/mudguard.
Here's a screen capture that shows how to curve the top tube downwards. The critical thing to note is that if you assign a negative value to dimension B, the top tube will curve downward. If you apply a positive number, it will curve upward. You might find it helpful to display the dimensions in the Top Tube tab of the Tubing tab in the Dimensions dialog box as shown on the right side of this image.
BikeCAD currently does not display a dimension showing the clearance between the shoe and the tire. However, you can create a dimension yourself using a User Dimension. When looking at Toe overlap, be aware that you should adjust the cleat position on the model of the shoe so that it accurately represents the cleat position on your actual shoe. Also, when selecting a shoe size, consider the fact that some shoes that are nominally the same size have different exterior dimensions. You may need to select a shoe size that is larger than that of your actual shoe.