Is there a way to add a large watermark or scale a note. My goal is a large label rather than using the text box.
Sun, Dec 15, 2019
Watermark or Scale?
©1998-2024 The Bicycle Forest Inc.
I think of a watermark or a scale as being two very different things. I trust you are aware of the option to display your logo in the title block as described at: If you want to display an image like that outside of the title block, you could likely accomplish that objective by adding an image as described at: If you simply want to show a note, that can be done as described at:
If none of this is quite what you're after, could you mockup a drawing, maybe with a pen or pencil and share it here. I'll try to add that option to the next update.
Thanks Brent. Sounds like importing an image will be the way to go.