Hi all,
I am trying to enter Columbus Zona CX double s-bend chainstays data in bikecad but I can figure how to enter the right values for B and D.
Not sure about the rest also :-
Please can someone help?
Here is the columbus datasheet here : https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0336/9713/products/ZON114OV425133CR-1_...
and my design :
I have just replicated the back end of the bike in your example and then entered the Columbus Zona CX specs as shown in the image below. You can see this model at: bikecad.ca/1638637207078.
Thanks a lot Brent!
Hi Brent,
I am working again with these chainstays , it works well with Paragon DR2020 dropouts for example but as I want to use Allotec C25 I have like a bug.
Picture speaks
Any Idea to fix that ?
Many thanks
Because the Allotec C25 dropouts are so much longer than the Paragon DR2020 dropouts, there is a lot less room to fit these stays between the dropouts and the BB shell for a given chainstay length. When you ask BikeCAD to fit the full length of these stays into a space which is significantly shorter than the length of the stays themselves they are going to explode as they have done for you. In the Zona drawing the distance from the rear end of the stay to the middle of the front bend in the stay is 310mm. This is a longer distance than you have from the end of the dropout to the edge of the BB shell. In order to fit both bends of the stays into the space available, you are going to have to chop some amount off the rear end of the stays. In the model involving the DR2020 dropouts, 128mm was used for dimension S1. By reducing S1 to 85mm, I was able to achieve the model shown at: bikecad.ca/1658899763268.