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BikeCAD's DR2073 with DR2077 = Paragon DR2075?


I recently purchased BikeCAD Pro to design my first frame and found the learning curve very manageble. This is a great piece of software!

When trying to add the dropouts I´d like to use I ran into a bit of an issue. The DR2075 as listed in BikeCAD looks nothing like that dropout as shown on Paragon's website (https://www.paragonmachineworks.com/dropouts/sram-udh/sram-full-mount-ud...).

Could it be that the DR2073 with DR2077 as shown in BikeCAD is what Paragon lists as DR2075 (or DR0074, or DR0075)?


DR2075 confusion

I have an email from Paragon sent back in 2016 which stated "DR2074 is the same as DR2070, but with rack/ fender eyelets" and "DR2075 is the same as DR2071, but with rack/ fender eyelets".

In 2021, I asked about getting solid models of the DR2074 and DR2075 and they said those models hadn't been made yet, so apparently at that time they forgot that they had assigned those part numbers already.

BikeCAD is translated into multiple languages through the use of Properties files. An English properties file would list a variable used in the program and then it's English equivalent HELLO=Hello The Dutch properties file would list that same variable with the Dutch equivalent HELLO=Hallo.

Back in 2021, in the interest of discontinuing the use of the DR2075 part number, but also not corrupting BikeCAD files that had already used that part number, I changed the English Properties file to read DR2075=Paragon DR2071 with eyelets. Unfortunately, I forgot to also change the Dutch Properties file. Therefore, if you are using the Dutch version of BikeCAD, the dropouts menu will still list a dropout called DR2075 which is now referred to as the "DR2071 with eyelets" dropout elsewhere. I will correct this in the next update.

You are correct though, if you are looking for what is now known as the DR2075 dropout, you can find it listed as Paragon DR2073 with DR2077.

Thanks for confirming Brent,

Thanks for confirming Brent,

It's not a concern for me at the moment, but I don´t see a "DR2075=Paragon DR2071 with eyelets" in any of the 3 English languages, even after clicking "Sae Settings" and then restarting.


Language properties files

The DR2075= part will not show up in the actual BikeCAD interface. DR2075 is the variable that is used within the code. The term to the right of the equals sign is what you'll find in the program interface. See the Canadian English version below:

Am I blind?

Sorry Brent,

I scrolled through the entire list of dropouts, and don´t see a "Paragon DR2071 with eyelets" listed anywhere either.

BikeCAD 20.6 set to Canadian English on Linux Mint 21.3 with Kernel: 5.15.0-124-generic

Edit: and I can't find it when BikeCAD is set to Dutch either.

Edit2: unpacking the bikeCADPro.jar file with Gnome's File Roller and assuming the file "Language_nl.properties" is the properties files you describe in post #2; there's no Paragon dropout with eyelets listed in that file. Nor in the "Language.properties" file.

Language properties files

Sorry. You're right. I thought I had implemented that change before the last update, but apparently I only modified it after the last update, so this change will not take effect until the next update. Fortunately, there will be no inconsistencies between the English and Dutch language files.

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