Since I am nearing completion of my first bicycle frame, which is a single speed, I am hoping my next frame will have accomodations for a derauiller. I have been stongly considering using the allotech c210 dropouts, which have plugs like my previous rear dropouts alongside a derauiller hanger. These plugs seem to greatly simplify the process for creating rear stays. I am not seeing the c210 dropouts though in the latest version of bikecad, and I am wondering if they can be added.
Thanks for the help
Allotec has been very helpful in the past about sharing dropout models for use in BikeCAD. Unfortunately, they are now a bit more concerned about unscrupulous factories selling knockoffs of their parts. I can only obtain a copy if I sign an NDA saying the data won't be shared, but in my case, sharing is kind of the whole point. I'm sorry it doesn't look like I'll be able to include this particular dropout at this time.