Hello does BCP have a simple printable tool to print the chainstay to BB diagram? I want to use the bikecad plan to just see the placement of my chainstay miters.
I assume you are referring to the auxiliary few of the stays as described at: bikecad.ca/stays_auxiliary_view. If you are looking to isolate the stays in a printout, you can display the title block and edit the margins (Free space fields) to focus on the chain stays. For example, the drawing below was achieved by setting the Free space fields in the title block dialog box as follows Left -240mm, Right -900mm, Bottom 20mm.
I assume you are referring to the auxiliary few of the stays as described at: bikecad.ca/stays_auxiliary_view. If you are looking to isolate the stays in a printout, you can display the title block and edit the margins (Free space fields) to focus on the chain stays. For example, the drawing below was achieved by setting the Free space fields in the title block dialog box as follows Left -240mm, Right -900mm, Bottom 20mm.
This is what I was looking for, thank you!