Hi: I am enjoying learning to use BikeCad Pro. My goal is to build a frame/frames for personal/hobby use. At this point, I am planning on using steel tubing. Everything I read suggests custom frame builders will take rider weight and bike riding application (e.g. road vs cross) into consideration when choosing a tube set. I have been looking at bike geometrys online gain insight into frame design.
Does anyone have any recommended resources for understanding and choosing tubing diameters/thicknesses based on rider size, weight, intended use, etc? Other than general recommendations (e.g. thin tubing may feel whippy, thick tubing may feel stiff; large riders may need thicker wall tubing, etc).
Thanks for any insights,
Did you ever get help with this?
I just saw this old post! Ha! I never heard from anyone, but if it is useful info, I can share what I have learned over the last couple of years. Basically, I have finally realized many bike manufacturers post geometries, so I spent a bunch of time looking at them and running them through bikecad. Re: tubing choices - I spent time looking at options from Nova, Henry James, etc and becoming familiar with options they have to offer. Ultimately, the best way for me to learn was to buy a few cheaper sets of tubing and build a few frames. Trial and error is pretty old fashioned, but also very effective. I hope this is of help to any other newbies that may stumble on this post. Best, Daniel