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Hi, I'm using the standard version of Bikecad (online), and the main issue that
I've it that the app is only working on Chrome and is very unresponsive.
Is the Pro version significantly faster?
Both the free version and BikeCAD Pro can be made faster by turning off the display of the chain and rear derailleur. However, to more simply answer your question, BikeCAD Pro is always much faster than the free version.
I've buy a licence last week and I confirm the pro version is much much faster.
©1998-2024 The Bicycle Forest Inc.
Both the free version and BikeCAD Pro can be made faster by turning off the display of the chain and rear derailleur. However, to more simply answer your question, BikeCAD Pro is always much faster than the free version.
I've buy a licence last week and I confirm the pro version is much much faster.