I'm trying to make a small balance bike with 12" wheels. I attempted to set the downtube, bottom bracket, chainstays, etc. to zero but the model still displays both triangles. Am I approaching this correctly? I did not see any baseline template to use. Also, how do I change the lugs?
Wed, Jan 2, 2013
Removing tubes
I would like a template as well.
I've just created a sample balance bike below:
You can remove either the top tube or the down tube by unchecking the box next to the tube diameter for that particular tube in the Tubing dialog box as shown below. Unfortunately, there is currently no similar option for the chain stays or seat stays. In my example I moved the seat stays behind the pedals. I made the pedals round and blue and since I also set the crank length to 0mm, the pedals happen to lie right on top of the bottom bracket.
There is info on configuring lugs in the video describing features that were introduced in Version 7.0.
Awesome thanks!