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Exporting to FreeCAD

I can't seem to export my BikeCAD file to FreeCAD. I get some error messages when I hit the green play button, but don't know enough about what I'm looking at to determine what is wrong. Anyone help?


Thanks in advance. 


Install requests library

Looks like you need to install the requests library as described at: bikecad.ca/freecad_requests.

Thanks Brent. It seems to be

Thanks Brent. It seems to be working now but only partially. I get the rims, tires, the rear triangle and the water bottle bosses on the down tube. The rest is missing. Strange. Maybe I'll redownload everything the start over. 

No front triangle

Don't bother reinstalling everything. I've seen that scenario before. Were you using a variable diameter head tube? In my experience, variable diameter head tubes sometimes don't interface well with the top tube and down tube, so all those tubes sometimes fail to appear. If you use a constant diameter head tube, you can expect more reliable results. I'm not sure if there's anything I can do at my end to produce a more robust model when using a variable diameter head tube, but that's something I'll try to work on in the future.

Yup, I have a tapered HT in

Yup, I have a tapered HT in the model. I'll swap it for a constant diameter and see if that helps. 

Thanks Brent. 

problem when using the Script download

Does anyone come across this error message when running the script macro.py?

It comes up with this error message:


18:57:45 Something went wrong with the pip install/upgrade of requests, possibly does not exist.


Version of FreeCAD

One user got this message when running an older version of FreeCAD. Have you tried this on the current version which is 0.19.2?

Hi Brent,

Hi Brent,


I tried this on 0.19.2 and am getting the same "Something went wrong with the pip install/upgrade of requests, possibly does not exist" message

FreeCAD Requests library

It should only be necessary to install the Requests library on the PC version of FreeCAD. Aren't you on a Mac?

It looks like you've downloaded BikeCAD for older Macs. Be aware that any MacOS from 10.7.5 onward should run the code signed version of BikeCAD.


I downloaded BikeCADPro_17.1_PC.zip and installed it on my work Dell Latitude 5401, which I'm working on and messaging you from. No Macs in my workflow! I'm not sure why/how I downloaded any other version. clumsy fingers clearly!

I can't even unistall and reinstall freecad due to work IT admin rights. Nightmare!

FreeCAD Requests library

I'm sorry to hear about the ongoing troubles. I'm guessing that the same permission levels that are preventing you from uninstalling FreeCAD are also preventing you from installing this library. Perhaps you can speak to the IT department about this?


Apart from BikeCAD I am a newbie in CADdesign.

Because of the export facility to FreeCAD in BikeCAD I try to make myself familiair with FreeCAD.

At this moment I can rotate my bikedesign in 3Dspace. Which is fun. But does not have any practical use.

My question. What can I do in FreeCAD which I cannot do in BikeCAD?

FreeCAD uses

It has always been my goal to make BikeCAD so comprehensive that you can use it alone to obtain all the information you need to build a frame. So it is somewhat reassuring to see you questioning the need for this export feature. Many will not really need this option. However, if you wanted to design your own custom dropouts, a really unique seatstay bridge, a fancy gusset, or an integrated rack, these are all cases where you may benefit from the modeling tools available within FreeCAD. Because FreeCAD can export models in many different formats such as STEP, IGES and STL, you can also use FreeCAD as means of exporting BikeCAD designs to other programs for further CAD/CAM work, 3D printing or Raytracing.

Nowadays customers have to

Nowadays customers have to wait a very long time before their dream bike will be finally finished.

I thought I might use FreeCAD to send my bikedesign to a 3Dprinter, and give them a small copy of the bike they have ordered.

So they do not forget.

3D printed mini bike

I'd love to see that.

Hi sir 

Hi sir 

my self kiran from india if i buy bike cad pro how it will be delivered to me

Purchasing BikeCAD Pro

You can purchase BikeCAD Pro from here. As soon as you've paid with Visa, Mastercard or PayPal, you can immediately download the program from your account here on BikeCAD.ca. As new versions of the program are released, all owners of BikeCAD Pro receive the new version at no extra cost. You can also have the program installed on up to three of your own computers at any given time. Those computers can be any combination of Mac, PC or Linux. If one of those computers should need to be retired, simply login to your account and download the latest version onto the replacement computer.

Hi Brent,

Hi Brent,

I have the same issue here. I'm using the PC for my laptop and Macro seems to be with the same issue.

Is there any fix now?


Exporting to FreeCAD

I'm not sure what issue you are referring to. If you are running FreeCAD on a PC, you may need to install the requests library as described at: bikecad.ca/freecad_requests. This macro should work. If you are having issues with it, please send me some more info about any error messages you may be encountering.

FreeCAD v1.0.0 errors

Hi there,

I just purchased Pro to export a 3D model.  The current version of FreeCAD is 1.0.0.  When I import the BikeCAD python design there are all sorts off errors mostly with the dropouts and seat clamp (I used standard).  Errors say "DropoutR: MultiFusion Failed"  The model has the dropout geometry but it does not recognize it as a component.  When I ran the macros.py file, I got the same PIP error mentioned above.  Once imported, the nearly complete model seems to work just fine.

But most importantly for me is that I can not get the Steel Pinion bridge to export.  The others (paragon, v3, alum) work fine but I have the steel bridge.



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