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Finding bikeCAD files

I have recently moved all my business documents into proton drive on mac. Reason being that nothing is currently end ot end encrypted in the UK at the moment due to the British government wanting a back door into peoples computers. When i wan to 'open a design from a bikecad file' I can't find the proton drive folder anywhere. The folder is located under 'locations' in the sidebar and i can access it with other apps, but i can't open or save to it from bikeCAD. Any ideas? 

Finding BikeCAD files

I assume you can locate these files using the Mac Finder. You should be able to either double click on one of these files to open it in BikeCAD, or drag and drop it into the main BikeCAD interface.

Once a BCAD file has been opened in BikeCAD, the next time you select File >> Open design from BCAD file it should default to looking in the last directory from which a BCAD file was opened or saved. I would hope that it will at that point see your Proton drive.

I regret that I can't confirm this at my end, but I hope you'll let me know how you get along.

Worked perfectly Brent! 

Worked perfectly Brent! 

Muchas Gracias!

PS I don't get email notifications for either forum replys or updates and i tried to manually add via the google thing, but it doesn't seem to work. 


Reading BikeCAD files from Proton drive

I'm glad to hear that worked.

Unfortunately, this forum we're using doesn't include the functionality of email notifications. I'm in the process of redoing this website, so perhaps the next iteration of the forum will allow for that.

The BikeCAD Updates Google Group is only used to notify BikeCAD Pro owners of new versions of BikeCAD Pro. I may change this as well with the new website.

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