I have uploaded a design from the archive and then amended it and then tried to save it as a template, but every time i re open the app it opens with a differnt template. I have tried dropping the file into the 'bike' folder and same thing happens, yet if i open design from bikecad file it works. Baffled here. I can't understand how the same file can be opened but isn't opening when I select it as a template.
Sat, Mar 1, 2025
Storing Template
It is also saving to PDF much larger than the screen shows it, so the dimensions are missing from the PDF when I export it because of this. Refit doesn't work. It just keeps saving too big.
The Refit button has no impact on how PDFs are saved. The Refit button is primarily used when you are zoomed in really tight on one part of the bike. If you want to see the whole bike again, just click the Refit button.
When you save a PDF, the bike is by default full scale and the page is sized around the bike so that the bike itself occupies as much of the page as possible. If you want to frame the bike differently, you need to turn on the title block. This is explained at: bikecad.ca/framing_bike_in_printout.
The term "template" is used in two different contexts in BikeCAD. It sounds like you are trying to save a "Default start template". To do this, open a model you'd like to see everytime you launch BikeCAD. Then go to View >> Customize >> Save current bike as default template.
The other way in which the term template is used is explained at: bikecad.ca/templates_in_bikecadpro.